Thursday, October 2, 2008

Movie Review: "How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman"

Believe it or not, we watched this piece of junk for class. Here's the imdb entry:

I can measure the value of a comedy by how long it takes me to realize I'm supposed to be laughing. The longer it takes, the worse it is. This is the only comedy that had me thinking it was supposed to be taken seriously until the credits were rolling and I checked back of the DVD case. Indeed, it was meant to be a "black comedy". I don't know what a black comedy is, but I know that this movie was ridiculously bad. After about 15 minutes, every single character was completely nude. The main character got a horrible haircut. The "Indians" had bright orange body paint. There was the most ridiculous fight and death scene in the history of cinema. The rehearsal for the main character's execution had happy background music. Innumerable inexplicable things happened; ordinarily, I like this in my comedy, but not this time. Not at all. Nobody should ever watch this movie.

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