Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday

Foolish Phrases IV

"In this day and age..."

Unfortunately, I often hear this phrase followed by something along the lines of how people are so wicked and sinful today, as if at some time in the past the average person was somehow more virtuous. Have you people read your Bibles??? (triple question mark!)

Let's briefly examine the book of Genesis. Hypothetically, the earliest people should be the ones who abstain from the "wicked deeds of today". But what does Genesis say?

(Sin) - Chapter:Verse
Shame - 3:10
Blame - 3:12
Anger - 4:5
Murder - 4:8
Lies - 4:9
Sarcasm - 4:9
Incest - 5
Wickedness - 6:5
Corruption - 6:12
Drunkenness - 9:21
Peeping - 9:22
Dishonor - 9:22
War - 14:2
Adultery - 16:3
Homosexuality - 19:5
Rape - 19:5
Disregard for One's Children - 19:8
Deceit - 27:24
Betrayal - 37:18
False Testimony - 39:19

This is some of the variety of sins found in just the first book of the Bible! Check out all the rest of the debauchery throughout the Bible; and before you criticize the people of today, remember that these sins have been committed for thousands of years.

Instead, remember the words of Solomon:

"That which has been is that which will be,
And that which has been done is that which will be done.
So there is nothing new under the sun."
(Ecclesiastes 1:9)

Does this mean that we are without hope? Will things ever change? On the contrary, they certainly can, but we must stop looking underneath the sun for change and instead look to the heavens.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."
(2 Corinthians 5:17)


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